Conference Program

↩︎ GSAIS Conference


Friday, November 1st

08.30-9.30 Registration and Breakfast

Location: Department of Italian Studies (Carr Hall, 2nd floor)

09.30-10.00 Greetings and Opening Remarks

Location: Northrop Frye, Room NF003

10.00-11.30 Liminality Across Borders

Location: Northrop Frye, Room NF003
Chair: Gianmarco Bocchi
Nicola Guida (University of Pennsylvania): “Liminality in Gothic Italian Literature”
Teresa Valentini (University of Toronto): “Potential Borders. Impotentiality and National Indifference in Svevo, Joyce and Kafka’s works” 
Mattia Ragazzoni (University of Toronto): “La coscienza linguistica di Zeno”  
Alessio Aletta (University of Toronto): “Real, Fictional Nivolesco. The Liminal Condition of the Self-Aware Character in Luigi Pirandello and Miguel de Unamuno”

11.30-13.00 Keynote Speaker I

Location: Northrop Frye, Room NF003
Professor Akash Kumar (University of California Berkeley): “What Lies Between. Dante’s Isoletta and Archipelagic Liminality”

13.00-14.30 Lunch Break

Location: Charbonnel Lounge, Elmsley Hall

14.30-16.00 In-Between Identities

Location: Victoria College 323
Chair: Marco Ceravolo
Annunziata Zevola (University of Toronto): “‘May the girl, and May the boy’. Un caso di antropomorfismo nei Divoratori di Annie Vivanti”
Michela Bertossa (The Ohio State University): “Disrupting the Narrative. Reimagining Motherhood in The Good Mothers”
Simona Di Martino (University of Toronto): “Navigating Adolescence. Liminal Girlhood in W.I.T.C.H. Magazine”
Sara Galli, Mohammad J. Jamali (University of Toronto): “Porpora Marcasciano’s AntoloGaia. A Preliminary Examination of Inclusive Language in Queer Italian Writing”

16.00-16.30 Coffee Break

Location: Department of Italian Studies (Carr Hall, 2nd floor)

16.30-18.00 Reflections and Recollections

Location: Victoria College 323
Chair: Sylvia Gaspari
Lorena Sodano (University of Toronto): “’La penna di’ Fiammetta Frescobaldi (d.1586): a Renaissance polygraph intellectual
Sarah Marie Leitenberger (University of Pennsylvania): “Discorrere al buio. Machiavelli’s Letter Exchanges in Exile”
Beatrice Bruno (University of Toronto): “Diventando scrittori. Il ruolo di Raffaele Crovi nella consacrazione letteraria di Sciascia”


Saturday, November 2nd

08.30-9.30 Breakfast

Location: Department of Italian Studies (Carr Hall, 2nd floor)

9.30–11.00 Embodied Liminalities    

Location: Victoria College 323
Chair: Rachel Grasso
Mia Lofranco (University of Toronto): “Longing Bodies. Liminality, Gesture, and Transformation in Dante’s Purgatorio
Rumi Handen (University of Toronto): “The Liminal Men and Their Masculinities in Una Vita”
Daniel Turillo (University of Pittsburgh): “Out of sight, out of mind. Speaking with the Dead in The Sopranos’ ‘Proshai, Livushka’”

11.00–11.30 Coffee Break

Location: Department of Italian Studies (Carr Hall, 2nd floor)

11.30–13.00 Keynote Speaker II

Location: Victoria College 323
Professor Ombretta Frau (Mount Holyoke College): “In limine. Women and the City/Women in the City”

13.00–15.00 Lunch Break

Location: Charbonnel Lounge, Elmsley Hall

15.00–16.00 Redefining Human Boundaries

Location: Victoria College 323
Chair: Mohammad J. Jamali
Paolo Gonnelli (Boston College): “(In)sane Poetry: Pushing the Boundaries of the Self. An Analysis of Saba’s, Rosselli’s, and Merini’s Poetic Forms”
Alessandro Combina (University of Pittsburgh): “Challenging Human Boundaries. Liminal Creatures in Anna Maria Ortese and Laura Pugno”

16.00-17.30 Special Event

Location: Victoria College 323
Professor Dino S. Cervigni (University of North Carolina): “Dante’s Rites of Passage: From Chaos and Parody to Light and Romance through Sword, Fire, Water, and Gaze”

19.30–21.00 Dinner Event

Location: PIMS


Sunday, November 3rd

8.30-9.30 Breakfast

Location: Department of Italian Studies (Carr Hall, 2nd floor)

9.30 – 11.00 Language and Migration Across Generations

Location: Victoria College 323
Chair: Dusan Desnica
Giulia Guadagni (University of Toronto): “Roots and Reflections. The Italian Community in Toronto and the Essence of Italianità”
Alessandro Minnucci (University of Chicago): “Migrant Authenticity and White Extractivism. Problematizing Antiracist spoken word in contemporary Italy”
Rachel Grasso (University of Toronto): “Liminal Italianità. Discussion and Approaches in the Rap and Trap Music of Second-Generation Italian Artists”

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

Location: Department of Italian Studies (Carr Hall, 2nd floor)

11:30–13:00 Liminal Spaces, Liminal Places

Location: Victoria College 323
Chair: Mattia Ragazzoni
Marco Ceravolo (University of Toronto): “‘La coscienza della complessità’. Sul romanzo moltiplicato del secondo Novecento”
Martina Lancia (Brown University): “Don Roberto Sardelli and the School 725 in the Barracks of the Aqueduct ‘Felice’ in Rome”
Noel Gonzalez (Boston College): “Occupying empty space: liminality as the intersection of identities in Igiaba Scego’s La Linea del Colore

13:00-13:30 Closing Remarks

Location: Victoria College 323